Mobile Device Insurer
Claims Processing Platform
Multichannel Experience Solution
The client is a leading insurance service provider for mobile devices across multiple carriers. With the help of a technology partner, the client developed an online claims processing application for customer insurance claims, which was supposed to make claims processing easier and therefore reduce the call volume of its call center. Unfortunately, due to the architectural complexities and inherent multi-carrier support challenges, the application was not able to meet and scale the expectations, resulting in:
- Frustrated customers, as the application was not able to support the scenarios of the customer journey, forcing them to leave the application and reach out to the call center
- Increased call center volume and hence the need to open more call centers
Without a better solution to address the situation, the client:
- Would continue to experience an upward trend of unsatisfied customers
- Could not decrease the rising operational costs of managing its traditional call center and its challenges
- Could not support the business growth opportunities of adding new carriers effectively and quickly into its portfolio
- Could not bring new features and functionalities seamlessly across all carriers, as it was forced to create carrier-specific application code based environments
The client brought us in for our thought leadership in engineering enterprise architecture solutions to revamp the claims processing application and address the needs and challenges. We designed and developed a responsive, service-oriented, and multi-tenant enterprise application that resulted in:
- Improved customer experience of submitting claims across web and mobile channels, addressing the complex scenarios of the customer journey
- Decreased call center volume, as customers were able to use the multichannel application with ease and convenience
- Decreased lead time to onboard a new carrier with its configurable white-labeling and integration capabilities rather than branching and spinning out carrier-specific code based environments
For a leading device insurance provider, we delivered a multichannel-equipped claims processing platform solution that drove superior digital customer experience and resulted in:
- A 5% improvement in First Pass Yield (FPY), producing $1.5MM in annual CSR labor savings
- $400K in savings per year in new carrier onboarding costs